Meilleures ventes WordPress

RT-Theme 18 Thèmes WordPress réactifs

Theme Division



Dernière mise à jour: 27 mars 2020 – v 2.1 – journal des modifications

RT-Theme 18 est un responsive Thème WordPress Premium avec de puissants outils CMS. Vous pouvez l’utiliser pour les entreprises, les entreprises, le catalogue de produits, les services ou portfolio sites Web. Le produit e portfolio les outils offrent également de nombreuses possibilités d’utilisation dans divers services tels que les itinéraires touristiques, la location de voitures, l’immobilier, les présentations d’hôtels et bien plus encore.

RT-Framework offre un backend thématique extrêmement solide avec des tonnes d’outils et d’options utiles.

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Avis clients pour RT-Theme 18

« Thème WOW génial, super flexible … J’ai travaillé avec plus de 75 thèmes, je peux dire que c’est le meilleur que j’ai vu. puissant »
– JavierDesigns

« Salut Tolga, je pense que c’est votre meilleur thème jamais !!!. Vous avez ajouté une quantité incroyable de fonctionnalités, de codes courts, de compétences. Tout est devenu réglable. Et je vois une énorme quantité de fonctionnalités supplémentaires que vos clients ont demandées dans le passé. Grands tutoriels et documentation et le thème est fabuleux. Bonne chance avec vos ventes RT18. »
– Sauvegardes

«Tout en un, excellent travail! »
– méconnu

«C’est mon cinquième thème que j’ai acheté à ce développeur et chacun est plus impressionnant que le dernier! »
– terryatsm

« Les 5 étoiles! »
– cmsadmin

« Un design extraordinaire et l’un des thèmes les plus simples et les plus flexibles que j’ai utilisés à ce jour. Très bien! »
– nategarrett

«Ce développeur offre non seulement les meilleurs thèmes construits, mais le meilleur support client! »
– NowAge

«Je viens juste pour dire merci pour un sujet aussi fantastique! Ce thème est COMPLÈTEMENT personnalisable et le support est parmi les meilleurs que j’ai jamais eu sur TF. Je le recommande à tout le monde. Continuez comme ça! »
– CRobson

« De nombreuses raisons d’évaluer ce thème 5 étoiles 1. Excellente qualité de conception 2. Bonne qualité de code 3. Flexibilité et personnalisation incroyables 4. Bonne documentation et surtout 5. Support client rapide et utile !!! »
– gsvnpraveen

« Très beau thème. Je l’aime tellement !! Grande fonctionnalité et excellent design, simple et propre, avec des outils cms vraiment puissants. Magnifique travail. Et avec lui un excellent tutoriel et documentation! Tout simplement parfait, rien à dire !!  :) »
– mak_titi

« Le meilleur template J’ai acheté. Félicitations au créateur est un travail très professionnel. Je suis content de cet achat »
– format

«C’est vraiment un produit de première classe! Je suis surpris par la flexibilité et la liberté dont on dispose pour personnaliser ce thème. Cet auteur / développeur est certainement à surveiller pour des produits encore plus professionnels. Merci d’avoir simplifié ma vie! »
– innovat1

« Salut! Je n’ai pas trouvé où évaluer votre thème plus de 5 étoiles … alors je suis désolé de ne l’avoir noté que 5 étoiles! Félicitations. »
– Nicolas Stauffer, Studio Ginkgo

«Le meilleur thème que j’ai acheté sans aucun doute. C’est un thème parfait. RT-Theme 17, c’est beaucoup, mais c’est mieux. Vous avez toutes les options sans programmer aucune ligne. la template le constructeur est très gentil. Félicitations pour ce travail parfait. »
– jolona

«J’ai acheté de nombreux thèmes sur TF et c’est mon troisième achat auprès de Tolga. Thèmes très bien conçus qui peuvent être personnalisés aussi facilement. Chaque nouveau thème est meilleur que le précédent. Ce que j’aime le plus, c’est que Tolga écoute les exigences de chaque client et en fait une fonctionnalité s’il le trouve suffisamment digne. »
– anvith3

«Excellent thème, si c’est le meilleur des meilleurs thèmes que j’aie jamais utilisé. Félicitations. »
– Roderswiss

«C’est un excellent sujet avec lequel travailler. C’est juste que je l’aime. Merci de l’avoir développé. »
– alderinos

«L’un des meilleurs thèmes avec lesquels j’ai travaillé jusqu’à présent. merci beaucoup  :) »
– mssolutions

«D’excellents thèmes et un excellent support client. continuez votre bon travail et votre patience avec vos clients. haha! »
– rockstarmediaSA

« Le meilleur template Je l’ai utilisé jusqu’à présent. Avec la possibilité de le personnaliser pour répondre à mes besoins, le dévouement de l’auteur (stmcan) est également fantastique, ils vous tiennent au courant des mises à jour par e-mail. Tout simplement le meilleur WP template ThemeForest a. »
– rssgmatt

«Ce thème est fantastique! Il est méga personnalisable et plein d’options. Facile à installer. Excellent travail! »
– rimlightstudio

«Flexible et facile à installer, excellent support. A + »
– jcvivien

« Un superbe support et une architecture très structurée qui permet la flexibilité maximale que j’ai vue jusqu’à présent … »


«Le meilleur thème et le service client sont exceptionnels! »
– kchelf

« Ce template c’est tellement beau et flexible. J’ai vu des sites Web créés avec le même thème et ils ne ressemblent pas du tout. Le support client est très convivial, rapide et efficace. Quiconque décide d’acheter ce thème peut être sûr qu’il sera entre de bonnes mains et aidé chaque fois qu’il en aura besoin. Produit fantastique et aussi à des prix très abordables! »
– Os de sable

“Juste un super thème! Je suis russe et je pourrais créer un site Web d’entreprise pour mon client en 3 langues en 2 jours sans aucune aide ni même lire la documentation. Merci les gars!  :) »

Fonctionnalité clé

  • Conception réactive
  • Générateur de modèles incroyable
    (Personnalisation d’une page avec Template Builder)

    • Créez un nombre illimité de modèles et utilisez-le avec n’importe quelle page / publication que vous souhaitez.
    • Créez facilement un curseur.
    • Nombreuses possibilités d’agencement
    • 30 modules
    • Interface utilisateur facile à utiliser
    • Importer, exporter, cloner des modèles
    • Vérifiez le contenu de l’en-tête et du pied de page pour chaque modèle
    • Ajoutez des lignes de contenu illimitées et personnalisez-les individuellement
    • Possibilité de choisir une barre latérale gauche ou droite pour chaque ligne template.
    • Créez facilement des cartes Google avec plusieurs emplacements
    • Ajoutez du contenu avec style ou créez le vôtre
    • Gérez le contenu tabulaire, le contenu accordéon et la liste avec des icônes avec une interface utilisateur glisser-déposer.
    • Ajoutez vos produits, portfolio, des témoignages, des membres de l’équipe ou des articles de blog à tout moment avec des options étendues.
    • Ajoutez des trajets en un seul clic! Disponible pour les produits, portfolio, des témoignages ou des blogs avec différentes options de mise en page.
    • L’utilisation du module de contenu par défaut contrôle la conception de plusieurs contenus en un seul template. Cela rend le constructeur réel template Builder!
    • Appelez n’importe quel emplacement de la barre latérale avec un formulaire
  • Options thématiques étendues (Captures d’écran)
    • Options d’en-tête et de pied de page
      • Vérifiez la position du logo
      • 2 zones de widgets disponibles pour le prochain ou le premier logo
      • Contrôlez la disposition des widgets de pied de page
      • Ajoutez un texte de slogan et personnalisez sa position
      • Ajoutez un texte de slogan et personnalisez sa position
    • Fabricant de barre latérale
      • Créez des barres latérales illimitées.
    • Options de typographie (captures d’écran)
      • Utilisez de nombreuses polices Google
      • Vérifiez la taille de la police
    • Options de style (captures d’écran)
      • Vérifiez toutes les couleurs
      • Changer la peau
  • Shortcodes et Shortcode Helper (image d’écran)
    • Accédez aux raccourcis thématiques depuis n’importe quelle page
    • Modifiez et publiez rapidement votre contenu
    • Retrouvez toutes les informations sur un shortcode
  • 5 widgets personnalisés
    • Flickr
    • messages récents
    • Messages populaires
    • Coordonnées
    • Témoignages
  • Internationalisé et prêt pour la traduction
    • Cela fonctionne très bien avec le plugin WPML
    • Fichier maître .po inclus
    • Prise en charge RTL
  • Vitrine produit (Captures d’écran)
    • Messages de produits personnalisés
    • Page de produit unique à onglets
    • Choisissez des icônes et personnalisez les noms des onglets
    • Afficher les produits associés
    • Ajoutez des photos illimitées pour un seul produit
    • Options de barre latérale pleine largeur, droite ou gauche
  • Pages du portfolio

    (Captures d’écran)

    • Publier par portfolio coutume
    • Options de mise en page illimitées
    • Prend en charge les images, les vidéos portfolio éléments
    • Capturez automatiquement les vignettes de Vimeo et YouTube
    • Options de barre latérale pleine largeur, droite ou gauche
  • Fonctionnalité optionnelle
    • Thème 100% réactif – Activer / désactiver responsive conception
    • Activer / désactiver les barres latérales mobiles
    • Activer / désactiver la navigation principale de l’adhésif
    • Activer / désactiver le sélecteur de langue des plugins WPML
    • Modifier la position de la barre latérale par défaut
  • SEO optimisé
  • Prise en charge de WooCommerce
  • Prise en charge audio et vidéo hébergée par Sefl pour portfolio et blogs
  • Balisage HTML5 valide
  • Prise en charge de plusieurs navigateurs
  • Fichiers PSD inclus
  • Contenu factice inclus
  • Notification de mise à jour du sujet



RT-Theme 18 - v 2.1  - March 27, 2020
* Added —  WordPress 5.4 support
* Added —  PHP 7.4 support  ( note that Layer Slider plugin doesn’t fully support PHP 7.4 )
* Added — WooCommerce 4 support  
* Update —  Slider Revolution Plugin v6.2.2
* Update —  Layer Slider Plugin version 6.9.2
* Update —  RT-Theme 18 | Extensions Plugin v1.1

RT-Theme 18 - v 2.0.2  - June 28, 2019
* Fix —  Issue fixed on the testimonial link texts 
* Fix —  Mobile menu icon alignment issue fixed on RTL websites 
* Fix —  Improved PHP support for older versions 
* Fix —  Invisible WooCommerce options
* Fix —  Breadcrumb menu start pages issue

RT-Theme 18 - v 2.0.1  - June 6, 2019
* Fix —  The wrong version number issue has been corrected

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Custom posts and tools such as Template Builder and theme options have been moved to a separate plugin called “RT-Theme 18 Extensions Plugin”. You can install the plugin via the "Appearance / Install Plugins" page upon updating the theme. 

RT-Theme 18 - v 2.0  - June 5, 2019
* Added —  RT-Theme 18 Extensions Plugin v1.0
* Updated —  Language (.pot) file has been updated. Some of the WooCommerce related strings need to be re-translated.
* Improved —  Several WordPress compatibilities and security improvements
* Improved —  Several CSS improvements
* Improved —  WooCommerce compatibility 
* Fix —  Slider color customization 
* Updated —  Slider Revolution Plugin v5.4.8.3 
* Updated —  Layer Slider Plugin version 6.8.4

RT-Theme 18 - v   - December 6, 2018
* New—  WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg editor compatibility 
* Fix  —  HTTPS issue within the video in the lightbox
* Improved  —  WP-Members plugin compatibility improved 
* Improved  —  Structured data of the breadcrumb menu improved
* Improved  —  Icon selection window
* Fix  —  Bug fixed on comments when closed
* Fix  —  WooCommerce string ‘Related products'
* Improved  —  GDPR compatibility 
* Improved  —  WooCommerce 3.5+ compatibility
* Updated —  Slider Revolution Plugin v5.4.8.1
* Updated —  Layer Slider Plugin version 6.7.6

RT-Theme 18 - v - April 29, 2018
* Fix  — Template redirection issues fixed between Template Builder and WooCommerce. 
* Fix  —  Issue on sticky sidebars when the content has carousels
* Fix  —  WooCommerce template notices
* Improved — Added PHP 7.2 compatibility  ( theme only, Slider Revolution and Layer Slider may have issues with PHP 7.2 )
* Updated —  Slider Revolution Plugin v5.4.7.3
* Updated —  Layer Slider Plugin version 6.7.1

RT-Theme 18 - v - February 22, 2018
* New — Telegram and WhatsApp added to the social media list
* Update — WooCommerce 3.3.2 support added.
        * Dropped support for older versions than WooCommerce 3.3.2
        * Visit Customize -> WooCommerce -> Product Images to redefine image sizes. The old image size options have been removed.  
* Fix  — Https compatibility issue with youtube videos in lightbox window  
* Fix — Fullscreen issue fixed on HTML5 videos
* Update —  Slider Revolution Plugin v5.4.7.1
* Update —  Layer Slider Plugin version 6.7.0

RT-Theme 18 - v - November 17, 2017
- Improved: WordPress 4.9 compatibility  
- Fixed: Issue fixed on sticky sidebars
- Fixed: PHP error on WooCommerce cart link
- Improved: WooCommerce compatibility 
- Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin version
- Updated: Layer Slider Plugin version 6.5.2

RT-Theme 18 - v - November 6, 2017
- Added: Group parameter to the auto_thumb shortcode
- Fixed: WooCommerce template notice
- Fixed: Javascript issue fixed on the Android version of Chrome   
- Improved: Better sticky sidebars. 
- Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin version
- Updated: Layer Slider Plugin version 6.5.1

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9.9 - July 7, 2017
* Fixed: Product visibility issue on WooCommerce Product Posts and WooCommerce Carousel module. 
* Added: Blank page template (page without header and footer)  added for posts and pages. 
* Fixed: Admin scrollbar issue
* Improved: Search field in the top bar
* Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin version
* Updated: Layer Slider Plugin version 6.5.1

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9.8 - April 9, 2017
* Added: WooCommerce 3.0 support. Single product pages now use the new default gallery and lightbox of the plugin. New options added to the RT-Theme 18 > WooCommerce options to disable image zoom and lightbox. If you update manually via FTP - don’t forget to delete /rttheme18/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php and rttheme18/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/additional-information.php files. IMPORTANT NOTE: The WooCommerce 3.0 was a major update and RT-Theme 18 now only supports WooCommerce 3.0 and higher versions. 
* Fixed: Broken image gallery issue fixed on gallery post formats
* Fixed: Portfolio module display titles and description bug
* Added: Ability to replace URLs when importing templates to the Template Builder
* Fixed: Fixed the “undefined” text issue on compare tables on mobile.
* Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin version 5.4.1
* Updated: Layer Slider Plugin version 6.3.0

RT-Theme 18 - v - December 24, 2016
Fixed: Broken image and lightbox link issue fixed

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9.7 - December 16, 2016
Fixed: Mobile search form displaying issue on mobile phones
Improved: WooCommerce compatibility. 
Improved: Several CSS fixes.
Updated: Icon font file updated and .woff2 version added.
Improved: WPML compatibility 
Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin version 5.3.1
Updated: Layer Slider Plugin version 6.1.0 - IMPORTANT NOTE: If you having issues while updating the plugin, delete the old version first then install again via Appearance > Install Plugins. 

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9.6 - July 7, 2016
Added: Black and white map option added to the Google Maps module. 
Added: Ability to use own Google Maps API key. (RT-Theme 18 > General Options / Google Maps ) Refer this documentation for more info
Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin version 5.2.6
Updated: Layer Slider Plugin version 5.6.9

RT-Theme 18 - v - June 25, 2016
Fixed: WooCommerce 2.6.1 category product visibility issue. Changed file: /rttheme18/woocommerce/archive-product.php

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9.5 - June 24, 2016
WooCommerce 2.6 support added. RT-Theme 18 now only supports this version. If you don’t want to update your WooCommerce plugin, you can just keep your old templates. /rttheme18/woocommerce/
Improved admin panel loading speed
Improved: RTL cart page view
Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin version

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9.4 - May 23, 2016
Fixed: Thumbnail edit issue on product categories 
Fixed: Top bar search field width fixed on Chrome
Updated: Media Element Player updated
Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin v5.2.5.1
Updated: Layer Slider Plugin v5.6.8

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9.3 - April 15, 2016
Fixed: Javascript error on tabs that started with WordPress 4.5 ( /rttheme18/js/ )
Fixed: Misplaced sub menu issue on sticky header bar when there is no logo image (header-design1.php )

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9.2 - April 15, 2016
Improved: WordPress 4.5 support 
Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin v5.2.4.1 ( note: Please update your Slider Revolution to the new version if you still using one of the 4x versions. 4x versions of the plugin will cause some update problems in the future updates of the theme.  )
Updated: Layer Slider Plugin v5.6.5 (note: the slug name of the plugin has been changed by the plugin author. You may need to delete the old one before install the new version)

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9.1 - March 14, 2016
Fixed: Empty top slogan and footer text issue fixed that causing by 1.9 update 

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.9 - March 14, 2016
Fixed: Blank pagination links issue when a template assigned page set as front page
Fixed: Conflict fixed between author post list page and template builder
Fixed: Blank Revolution Slider list on Template Builder on some WPMS installations
Improved: PHP 7 support
Fixed: Styling issues on products within post contents 
Fixed: Errors fixed for single posts on Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool 
Updated: WooCommerce 2.5 support added. IMPORTANT NOTE: The theme is no longer support the older versions than WooCommerce 2.5
Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin v5.2

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.8.3 - December 24, 2015
Fixed: Addresses the double tapping bug on IOS devices which started after IOS 8.4.1 
Fixed: Top bar mini cart translation bug fixed ( items text )
Fixed: Title’s line CSS issue on Chrome 
Fixed: Product category display issue when the main category has a child.
Fixed: Issue fixed on breadcrumb menus when a page has more than two parent pages.
Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin v5.1.5
Updated: Layer Slider 5.6.2

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.8.2 - August 20, 2015
Improved: WordPress 4.3 compatibility
Improved: WooCommerce 2.4.4 compatibility
Improved: WooCommerce demo store message position improved. It will be displayed as a sticky bar at the bottom of the pages.
Improved: WooCommerce cart CSS for RTL languages
Improved:  Sticky sidebar improved for Chrome
Updated: Layer Slider v5.5.1

Please note: We have tested the latest version of Revolution Slider and found some issues. We are waiting for them to be fixed before include it to the theme.

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.8.1 - July 13, 2015
Improved: Ability to accept multiple class names for rows.  [ Template Builder  ]  
Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin v4.6.93
Updated: Layer Slider 5.5.0
Improved: Search functionality for WPML plugin

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.8 - April 30, 2015
Added: Ability to add thumbnail images to product categories
Added: New options to Product Options for category display. Check the “CATEGORY DISPLAY OPTIONS" 
Added: New shortcode [product_categories] for listing product categories with thumbnails and descriptions
Added: New module [product_categories] for listing product categories with thumbnails and description  [ Template Builder ]
Added: Ability to add custom CSS class names to content rows [ Template Builder  ]
Improved: Contact form improved
Updated: Revolution Slider plugin 4.6.92 ( includes a security fix, it is recommended to update )

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.7.2 - April 22, 2015
Updated: TGM plugin activation class
Fixed: Small CSS fix for WooCommerce including active filters and price filter
Fixed: Invisible icon selection window when logged in as not administrator account 
Improved: CSS code improved to fix IE issues over the buttons of the lightbox window that comes with WooCommerce
Fixed: Problem fixed on portfolio filter navigation bar when categories selected
Fixed: Double tap issue on the main navigation items for iPad landscape screen.
Fixed: Gmail navigation tools positions issue fixed
Fixed: Permission issue fixed with "Author" users to upload image galleries
Improved: RTL CSS
Fixed: WooCommerce my account link for WPML plugin
Fixed: Double cart totals issue on WooCommerce cart page.

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.7.1 - February 17, 2015
[Recommended update for everyone. Includes a security fix and WooCommece 2.3+ compatibility]

Improved: Security improvement
Added: WooCommerce 2.3+ compatibility
Fixed: Invisible project details and post navigation issues on single portfolio or single product page when assigned with a template
Fixed: Missing social media icons in lightbox 
Fixed: Contact form submit messages fixed for WPML
Improved: Sticky logo and drop down menu CSS 

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.7 - February 5, 2015
Updated: WooCommerce categories list layout is now customizable via RT-Theme 18 -> WooCommerce Options
Fixed: Pagination issue on archive pages
Improved: RTL compatibility
Fixed: Portfolio filter issue fixed for RTL websites 
Fixed: Contact form security question issue of cached websites
Fixed: Fullscreen youtube videos issue on google chrome
Fixed: Google Map module style fixed on template builder

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.6.1  - December 28, 2014
Fixed: Several problems fixed on the Template Builder including disappeared modules upon added, cloned or closed. This was an incompatibility issue with jQuery that comes with WordPress 4.1
Improved: Template Builder import functionality 

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.6  - December 26, 2014
Fixed: Show/hide author name bug fixed on blog post listing pages
Fixed: Media library page search issue fixed on attach screen
Improved: Mobile menu. The menu open/close icons are now bigger and easier to tap.
Added: [Template Builder] pagination option to WooCommerce Products (Extended) module
Fixed: Wrong page indicator on pagination for products, portfolio, and testimonial items when used in the home page
Fixed: Miss-alignment issue with Horizontal Chained Content boxes on IE
Fixed: Logo dimension issue in sticky nav bar
Fixed: Unclickable zoom icons issue on google maps with RTL language
Fixed: Not displaying private post issue with product, portfolio, testimonial, blog shortcodes
Improved: changed main style.css loading order. Moved to the last.
Fixed: PHP warning message on portfolio lists. (after WordPress 4.1)
Fixed: Wrong page links of the pagination when permalinks not activated (after WordPress 4.1) 
Updated: Layer Slider plugin
Updated: Slider Revolution plugin 
Added: “title-tag” support and remove hard-coded  from header.php

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.5 - October 11, 2014
Improved: Markup for SEO improved.  Single post titles replaced with H1’s. Added Google hatom-feed and structured data compatibility to blog posts and products. 
Improved: button shortcode
Improved: RTL compatibility improved. PLEASE NOTE: If you have an RTL website, you must re-order your columns in the template builder and navigation menus to have the correct order on mobile screens.
Improved: Saving custom fields that address the template assign issue to custom post types.    
Improved: Retina logo functionality. This resolves hidden logo issues on some websites.
Improved: functions.php improved to allow re-branding with a child theme
Fixed:  https compatibility issue on embedded google map shortcode
Fixed: pagination issue 
Fixed: [WPML] attachment translation issue is fixed in light boxes.
Fixed: Contact form translation issue
Fixed: Blog posts pagination issue when a template set as a home page.
Fixed: [WooCommerce] cart page styling issue fixed on mobile phone screens.
Fixed: Search box styling issue on Safari 7.1 
Fixed: a CSS bug fixed in “Gold Beige Style” color schema

RT-Theme 18 - v 1.4.2 - August 29, 2014
Fixed: Retina logo dimension issue when switching between landscape and portrait on tablets
Fixed: Carousel dimension issue when switching between landscape and portrait on tablets
Improved: Vertical tab styles.
Improved: Search box functionality that inside the top for mobile devices
Fixed: Invisible page comments issue when a page assigned to a template
Improved: RTL compatibility
Fixed: An issue with special characters on custom CSS codes
Fixed: Broken product images and related product carousels when page titles contain special chars.
Improved: Removed idle 

tags from content box module, the content box with icon module and similar modules when the content is completely empty. Improved: Google maps height delimited up to 200px for small mobile screens for better scrolling. Updated: Revolution Slider version 4.6.0 Updated: Layer Slider version 5.2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.4.1 - July 25, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Updated: Revolution Slider version 4.5.95 Fixed: Custom icons set visibility issue on admin panel Fixed: Removed extra line from the sidebar of a single portfolio page when project details is empty ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.4 - July 12, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Added: New header design Fixed: Styling issue fixed on “Related Products" and "Up-Sell Products” of WooCommerce Fixed: Extra space issue under the layer slider on small screens Improved: Main navigation for landscape screen of iPad Improved: Support for column shortcode usage in Accordions and Tabular content Updated: Revolution Slider version 4.5.9 Fixed: Translation issue with the start page of a breadcrumb menu. [WPML plugin] Updated: Navigation bar width/style selection ported to Header Options page ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v - June 25, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed: Wrong category list inside the WooCommerce product posts (extended) module ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.3.4 - June 25, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Added: WooCommerce carousel shortcode and template builder module Added: New extended WooCommerce products shortcode and template builder module Improved: RTL support Improved: Styling of line with circle on WooCommerce widgets for IE Fixed: Layout issue in some cases with WooCommerce product_category shortcode and template builder module Fixed: Number of related products issue on single WooCommerce pages. Fixed: Invisible embedded cart/link icon issue on product images issue fixed for WooCommerce products Updated: .po file Updated: Slider Revolution version 4.5.6 ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.3.3 - June 04, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Added: Pagination and post limit options to testimonials shortcode & module Added: Space shortcode Improved: RTL support Improved: Page loading effect and Grayscale filter improved for Safari Improved: Content animations for IE Fixed: Flickering sticky menu issue on small screens ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.3.2 - June 01, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed: Invisible photo gallery items in single portfolio & blog posts Improved: Single product pages of Product Showcase Fixed: style selection issue fixed on blog carousel module [ Template Builder ] Fixed: Invisible content blocks on mobile devices when content animations is active ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.3.1 - May 30, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Updated: Layer Slider plugin Updated: Slider Revolution plugin Fixed: WooCommerce product categories widget styling Fixed: WooCommerce add to cart button icon on home pages Improved: Content animations and fixed invisible sidebar elements and flickering issue when page loading Improved: Pre-defined styles for new chained contents Improved: Accordion content CSS codes ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.3 - May 29, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Added: Showing logo option on the sticky navigation bar ( activate via RT-Theme 18 -> Header Options ) Added: Parallax background option to content rows Added: Page loading effect ( activate via RT-Theme 18 -> General Options ) Added: Two new widgets: Product categories and Portfolio Categories Added: Customize icon color, icon background color, icon border color options to content box with icon module/shortcode Added: Animated contents on scroll down ( activate via RT-Theme 18 -> General Options ) Added: Octangle image style option to content box with image module/shortcode Added: Alternative image styles that let you turn off the b/w filter on images to content box with image module/shortcode Added: Vertically or horizontally aligned, chained content blocks with images or icons Added: "Remove sub-header content area when empty" option added into the Header Options Added: Use excerpts option added into the blog options. Added: Support for breadcrumb of Yoast Seo plugin Added: Hide/show options for classic add to cart button and the embedded add to cart button into the RT-Theme 18 / WooCommerce Options Added: Support for password protected content and WP-Members plugin support for Template Builder Added: Search option added to the template list of Template Builder Improved: Navigation bar styling improved Improved: Color picker script Improved: Template builder data handling, import and export options. This is also addressed for corrupted template data issue on some servers after moving database to another domain Improved: The link also applied to the featured image and the icon of Content Box With Icon and Content Box With Image modules/shortcodes Improved: Styling support for Contact form 7 plugin Improved: WPML compatibility Fixed: Navigation bar styling issue (Half-Width style) on landscape tablet screens Improved: Content box with image module is improved and if the link is applied to the featured image as well Fixed: Custom styling issue on subtitles of a sub menu item in multi-column navigations (when mouse over) Fixed: Extra spacing issue on icons with pins. Fixed: (IE8) Transparent background color issue for slide titles and background on flex slider Fixed: Bug on accordion content module style options Fixed: Bug fixed on compare tables with mobile phones Fixed: (IE10, IE11) Grayscale image issues Fixed: typo fixed in the .po file ( Your Message: ) Fixed: Wrong theme version number when a child theme used Fixed: Wrong layout issue on product and portfolio categories when a shortcode used inside one of the top widget areas ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.2.1 - April 17, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed: custom styling issue with mobile navigation menu ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.2 - April 17, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Added: WordPress 3.9 support Added: Icon option for the top level items of main navigation bar Added: foursquare, delicios, forrst, ebay, android, xing, reddit, digg, apple appstore, myspace, amazon and stackoverflow icons Improved: solved the blank icon selection window issue on some servers Improved: Theme javascript file updated and debug comment removed from console Improved: removed the footer bar completely when footer sidebars do not contain any widgets or any content added with a template. This update may reduce vertical padding of the footer content bar, use space module to fill. Fixed: Tabs shortcode style selection bug ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.1.1 - April 14, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed: Sidebar issue on single staff pages that comes with version 1.1 Fixed: Wrong accordion content numbers Fixed: Post type icons issue on blog lists ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.1 - April 11, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Added: YouTube and SoundClound icons to the social media links Added: Remove top bar option into the header options Added: Template builder option added to single staff pages Added: New tab styles added to template builder's tabs module Added: Post revisions for products, portfolio, staff, and testimonial custom post types Added: Visible first content option added to the accordions Improved: H2 Page titles updated to H1 when a logo image uploaded Improved: Shortcode functions are pluggable now Improved: Icon selector and template importer functions improved Improved: Breadcrumb menu Improved: Color selectors of theme options Improved: Button alignments in table shortcodes Improved: Mouseover effect for product lists disabled for mobile screens for better scrolling Improved: Header widget & logo placements. Fixed: Extra slashes issue in slider module of template builder Fixed: Custom styling issue on sub-menus of main navigation Fixed: .po/.mo file updated for missing translation part in the single product pages ( “category" and “categories” texts ) Fixed: Section id (CSS selector) bug fixed on archive pages ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.0.4 - April 1, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bug fixed: Corrupted CSS issue on some installations that fail the custom stylings Bug fixed: Testimonials post count issue fixed. It didn't show more than 10 posts Improved: Crop feature improved for blog carousel thumbnails. Improved: CSS codes improved of comments Improved: Setup Assistant ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.0.3 - March 27, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ - Bug fixed: Variation select form issue fixed - Improved: The style of item quantity form of WooCommerce items improved for WebKit browsers - Bug fixed: fixed bug in the “Sidebar” module of the Template Builder - Added: Added filter hook for social media icons ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.0.2 - March 26, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ - Bug fixed: Fixed the error when "default content" module used in template with a regular post ------------------------------------------------------------ RT-Theme 18 - v 1.0.1 - March 24, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ - Bug fixed: PHP error fixed on earlier PHP versions than 5.4


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