Meilleurs thèmes WordPress

Aubrey – An Elegant WordPress Blog For Fashion Enthusiasts

Theme Division


Let us introduce you…

This is Aubrey. A new WordPress theme geared towards fashion enthusiasts, personal bloggers, and creative content writers. With gorgeous post layouts, a wealth of styling options and custom block patterns, Aubrey is perfect for anyone starting with WordPress, or even a seasoned blogger with years of content creation behind them.

Built for Gutenberg

Aubrey was built from the ground up to work seamlessly with the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) to ensure that what you create in the back-end matches what your visitors see in the front-end. It supports all default blocks and style classes as well as provide a colour palette that is fully editable within the customizer.

Custom Block Patterns

Aubrey comes with two custom block patterns. Allowing you to effortlessly add more complex layouts to your posts and pages. View Example.

  • Call-to-Action – A full-width call-to-action area to prompt your visitors to take action.
  • About Us – A nice image combined with rich content including blockquotes and social profile links.

Expanding the Customizer

Aubrey pushes the WordPress customizer to its limits thanks to its generous amount of options and settings. Configure everything from the page header and featured post area, right down to the site footer and sidebars. Watch your changes go live as you make edits using the customizer’s live preview feature.

Complete Styling Control

Use the Typography & Style settings to fine-tune the design and get the exact look and feel you want. Edit fonts and colors for elements including the navigation bar, post content, post meta, footer, and much more!

Navbar Layouts

Choose from ten different layouts for the navigation bar, including a minimal one that only uses icons, a centred logo with split navigation menus, and ones suitable for right-to-left (RTL) page layouts.

Built for Speed & Performance

Written with clean and semantic code, Aubrey was built with speed and performance in mind. On its own, it performs very well, but with a few optimizations, your site can load lightning-fast and be at its peak performance. The demo site for this theme uses Autoptimize for improving performance, and WP Super Cache for improving speed.

  • GTmetrix – Grade A
  • Google Page Insights – 96 / 100

Display your trending posts in a modern, attention-grabbing fullscreen slider. Using slick but subtle transition animations, show your latest posts or manually choose which posts to display.

Post Banners Area

Show a group of featured posts using this unique banner-style presentation. Go for a grid style, a masonry layout, or tall banners to grab visitors attention.

Promotional Boxes Area

Need to promote other content or link to different categories or pages? Don’t worry, Aubrey’s Promotional Boxes have got you covered! Display promotional boxes in a 2,3 or 4 column layout using striking images and hover effects. All boxes collapse beautifully into a single column on mobile displays.

Post Listings

The post listings area is where your visitors can easily browse through your articles. Display your listings in a Grid, List, or Staggered style. Got an attention grabbing-article? Why not add it as a big post at the top for good measure.

Upload alternate featured images to use for each post. These can then be displayed in sliders and banners. Useful if you want to use specific focal points.

Custom Widgets

Aubrey comes with three unique widgets that are available for all widgetized areas in the theme, including the sidebar, footer and off-canvas sidebar:

  • Aubrey – Profile – Display a nice introductory profile, including biographical information, a heading, subheading, signature image and a list of social links.
  • Aubrey – Featured Posts – Display a list of post titles along with their thumbnails. Order them, select how many, or manually choose which posts to show.
  • Aubrey – Promotional Box – Bring the promotional box from the homepage to any sidebar by adding it as a widget!

One-Click Demo Import

Get up and running with your site quickly and easily by adding all the content you see on the demo site. All posts, pages, menus, widgets and customizer settings are just a few clicks away and only takes a few minutes!

1000+ Google Fonts

When it comes to font choices, Aubrey has plenty for you to choose from. Over a thousand fonts are available via Google’s huge font library. No need for plugins, just switch fonts for any element at your leisure.

Child Theme Included

Ready to go above and beyond theme customization? Well, Aubrey comes packaged with its very own child theme so you can get your hands dirty and make some serious changes.


If you’re looking for support, then give us a shout by leaving a comment on the item’s comment page, or send us an email via our Profile Page if it’s a bit more personal. Don’t forget to check out our extensive Online Documentation too.

In a rush to get up and running? Check out the Quick Start Guide!


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Note: All images used in the theme are for demo purposes only and are NOT included in the download package or when importing demo data. Only placeholder images are used when importing demo data.



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