Meilleures ventes WordPress

CheerUp – Blog / Magazine et voyages WordPress

Theme Division



CheerUp – Thème élégant pour les blogs et les magazines avec une extrême flexibilité

40% de réduction

spécial Gutenberg Styles et WordPress v5.3.x Ready

CheerUp est un thème avec des options de design de luxe, conçu pour être exceptionnel sur tous les types de blogs et de magazines minimalistes. Non seulement les choix de conception moderne intégrés sont esthétiques, mais ils sont riches en plus de 1000+ combinaisons de mise en page possibles adaptées aux blogs et magazines élégants.

Obtenez CheerUp aujourd’hui et ne vous ennuyez plus jamais avec votre blog!

Mise à jour du thème Best Seller

Plusieurs mises en page pour les blogs et les magazines, plus de 13 designs uniques

Thème prêt pour le RGPDConfiguration de la newsletter GDPR MailChimp

Mise à jour extraordinaire

Beaux styles de message
En-têtes de blog uniques
Styles de défilement incroyables pour mettre en évidence les articles de blog
Styles ModernFooter
Entièrement réactif
Blog sur les réseaux sociaux
Glisser-déposer Page Builder
De nouvelles fonctionnalités
Des centaines d'options de personnalisation
Construisez votre boutique avec WooCommerce
D'autres fonctionnalités incroyables pour votre blog

Avis, assistance et achat maintenant

Peu d’utilisateurs CheerUp – Ils adorent ça


Quelques fonctionnalités

  • 13 modèles pré-fabriqués au choix. Ou créez le vôtre.
  • Fabriqué à la main pour tous les types de blogs et de sites de magazines simples.
  • Support intégré boutique / WooCommerce.
  • Entièrement réactif conception avec des graphismes Retina haute définition.
  • Élégant et unique Curseur présenté – choisissez entre 17 curseurs.
  • Google AMP pris en charge.
  • plusieurs Disposition de la page d’accueil pour votre blog:
    • Assorted – Une page d’accueil unique
    • Disposition standard du blog
    • Disposition de la liste
    • Grand poteau et grill
    • Grand courrier et liste
    • Chevauchement et grille
    • Superposition et liste
    • Largeur de la liste
    • Disposition simple de la grille
    • Largeur de la mise en page du blog
    • Et bien plus
  • coulé Widgets personnalisés pour un blog parfait.
    • Widget personnalisé sur moi
    • Widget d’icônes sociales personnalisées
    • Widget personnalisé de messages populaires
    • Nouveaux widgets de publication personnalisés
    • Widget d’abonnement personnalisé
    • Widget publicitaire personnalisé
    • Widget d’appel à l’action unique
    • Beau widget de pied de page Instagram
  • Ou créez votre page d’accueil avancée à l’aide de Page Builder
  • multiple Formats postaux soutien
    • Format de la galerie de publication
    • Format post vidéo
    • Format post audio
    • Format postal standard
  • lisser Barre supérieure collante Et navigation
  • Fonctionnalité de la barre latérale adhésive
  • Prise en charge native de Gutenberg / Block Editor
  • Hors toile Menu mobile
  • Notre personnalisé Galerie d’articles spéciaux
  • Options avancées de personnalisation en direct
  • Options de personnalisation pour afficher / masquer la plupart des éléments
  • multiple Menus personnalisés & Menu mobile unique
  • WordPress v5 + entièrement compatible
  • Référencement WordPress compatible avec les plugins Yoast
  • Formulaire de contact 7 compatible
  • Des fonctionnalités comme LazyLoad et Free Performance Guide.
  • intégré Inscription à MailChimp forme
  • Logo unique pour les appareils mobiles
  • Envoyer goûts caractéristique
  • Accueil Boîte d’inscription MailChimp
  • Médias sociaux partage
  • Des tonnes d’options de typographie et de couleurs
  • Prise en charge de la typographie Adobe Fonts (TypeKit) (la démonstration générale montre les polices TypeKit)
  • 10 en-tête disposition
  • D’innombrables styles de liste de catégories pour les sites de blogs et de magazines
  • Accueil Messages Carrousel
  • multiple Disposition du pied de page
  • Mises à jour gratuites et nouvelles fonctionnalités de blog.
  • Traduction prête
  • Support à long terme

Besoin d’aide? Entrez en contact!

Si vous êtes toujours coincé avec la configuration de CheerUp avec votre installation WordPress, vous pouvez entrer en contact avec notre support amical et dédié via nos forums de support.

Modifications et mises à jour

Version 7.0.4 - February 26, 2020

- New Instagram API Integration. A new token has to be generated.
- Improved: Images selection on 1x devices.
- Improved: Image loading on old browsers.
- Improved: Breadcrumbs for Custom Post Type archives.
- Improved: Read time calculation for Cyrillic and other languages.
- Fixed: Topbar background customization on some headers.
- Fixed: v7 migrator for typography and fonts.
- Fixed: Header JS error if sticky bar and nav missing.
- Bunyad Instagram Widget updated.

Version 7.0 - January 22, 2020

IMPORTANT: This is a major update. Read before updating:

- Major rewrite for modern times, maintaining legacy compatibility.
- New Default Demo for 2020.
- Massive Improvement to Image System. Only 3 extra images generated by theme.
- Up to 50% Performance Boost on all metrics on frontend and backend.
- Customizer Overhaul - new UX with instant apply of most style settings.
- Hundreds of new settings in Customizer for extreme flexibility.
- 7 New Featured Grids (and Sliders) with container or full width and overlay styles.
- Added: New Adaptive Image System for best performance.
- Added: Adjust image ratios / heights for blocks.
- Added: Set custom layout width and padding.
- Added: Full PHP 7.4 compatibility.
- Added: Enable/disable & rearrange Post Meta items globally or by listing style.
- Added: Breadcrumbs + Schema and Yoast Breadcrumbs support.
- Added: Native lazyload for in-post images and iframes.
- Added: Reading Time item for post meta.
- Added: Option to use last modified date in post meta.
- Added: Several new customization options for header and navigation.
- Added: Support for font-display: swap/others for Performance.
- Added: Compatibility for WebP Express plugin in Customizer > Performance.
- Added: JetPack Site Accelerator compatibility.
- Added: Left/right/wide and full alignment support for all Embeds.
- Added: 3 new sidebar widget heading styles.
- Added: Home Carousel multiple heading styles.
- Added: Styling and support for captions in all Embed services.
- Added: Gutenberg first gallery slider support for Gallery post format.
- Added: Hundreds of Typography customization options.
- Improved: Icons file reduced from 90kb to 10kb for performance.
- Improved: Skins CSS file size decreased for all skins.
- Improved: Spacing on all Gutenberg blocks.
- Improved: Styling on all embed blocks in Gutenberg.
- Improved: Accessibility and color contrast in several areas.
- Improved: Demo import in all areas including speed.
- Improved: Highlights and News block image sizes.
- Improved: Tablet layout now a bit wider in-line with newer devices.
- Bunyad AMP Updated with latest official AMP updates.
- Several minor CSS fixes and improvements.
- WPBakery Page Builder updated to latest version.

Version 6.1.5 - January 5, 2020

- Fixed: Call to Action widget issues with latest WordPress.
- Sphere Core plugin updated with several improvements.

Version 6.1.4 - November 16, 2019

- Optimized for WordPress v5.3+
- Added: Group block support in editor.
- Added: Cover block nested blocks support in editor.
- Improved: Galleries in backend and caption support.
- Full WooCommerce v3.8 support.
- Updated Bunyad AMP v1.4.1 with official AMP changes and fixes.

Version 6.1.2 - August 27, 2019

- Bunyad Widget for Instagram plugin has support for API Access Token now to counter recent changes from Instagram.
- Fixed: Mixed Instagram image dimensions when using Access Key method.
- Fixed: "Show Featured Area" option not working for updates from old version.
- Fixed: Last VC block margins.
- Fixed: About image ratio on IE11.
- Improved metaboxes save performance.

Version 6.1.0 - August 21, 2019

- Improvements for latest changes in Gutenberg.
- Added: Bunyad Instagram plugin with improved performance.
- Added: AMP plugin features with major update.
- Added: Email to replace Google+ share.
- Added: Ability to enable/disable AMP per post/page.
- Improved: Gutenberg galleries spacing & alignment.
- Improved: Devs hook 'wp_body_open' added for v5.2+.
- Fixed: Twitter share links for the new twitter.
- Fixed: Quotes and apostrophes encoded in social share.
- Fixed: Post meta alignment in spacious full-width magazine style.
- Updated WooCommerce templates to latest.
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.

Version 6.0.3 Hotfixes - March 18, 2019

- Minor styling fixes.
- PHP notice fix for local development.

Version 6.0.3 - December 6th, 2018

- Bunyad AMP updated for Gutenberg v4.6+.
- Further Gutenberg backend improvement.
- WPBakery Page Builder Updated to 5.6 for WordPress v5.0+
- Changes to allow main file overrides via child theme.

Version 6.0.2 - November 23rd, 2018

- Fixed: Columns bit quirky, and other issues with Gutenberg v4.5.1.
- Fixed: AMP issue at hosts using outdated 10 year old libxml library.
- Improved styles for dropcaps on Edge browser.
- Fixed: Slider post count issue when set via page options.
- Updated Bunyad AMP.

Version 6.0.0 - November 19th, 2018

- New Lifestyle Demo for blogs and magazines.
- AMP Support Added - with look maintained as normal responsive.
- Full Gutenberg Styling and WordPress v5.0 support.
- Added: Spacious - a dynamic look option for all post layouts.
- Added: New Header Style: Header 10.
- Added: New Footer Style: Bold Light.
- Added: New slider block in pagebuilder.
- Added: Grid style option for blocks.
- Added: New styles and options for Floating Social Share.
- Added: Full-screen Search Modal option for header 5, 8, 9, 10.
- Added: A classic Author box style option.
- Added: VK, LinkedIn, Tumblr for Floating Share.
- Added: New style option for floating share.
- Added: Heading color option for page-builder blocks.
- Added: Enable/disable counters on large posts widget.
- Added: Enable/disable image on posts widget.
- Added: Option to make logo use an H1 on home.
- Added: Compatibility and styling for all core WordPress 5.0 blocks.
- Added: Set excerpt length for blocks - grid, list.
- Added: Design tab in builder blocks for spacing adjustments.
- Added: Gutenberg Galleries with all options supported.
- Added: Blocks in Gutenberg - alignwide/alignfull support (in full width).
- Improved: Smart sticky performance for several headers.
- Improved: Custom Google fonts no longer use @import.
- Improved: Smarter Sticky Social Share.
- Improved: Images aligned left/right wider on mobile.
- Improved: Dynamic full width spacing and styling.
- Improved: Skin fonts only loaded when needed.
- Improved: WPBakery front-end editor view.
- Improved: Parallax performance with updated lib.
- Improved: Backend editor styling.
- Improved: Miranda skin default fonts optimized.
- Improved: Lazyload even with missing srcset.
- Improved: CTA widget blurry on Windows 1x displays.
- Fixed: Pinterest hover in Gutenberg.
- Fixed: Facebook follow counter requiring FB app approval.
- Fixed: Redundant defaults saved in options.
- Fixed: Parallax issue on Edge 17.
- Fixed: Multiple Load More on same page for some webhosts.
- Fixed: Some typography & color options not affecting skins.
- Fixed: Jetpack comment subscribe boxes.
- Cleanup: Outdated placeholder and tooltip JS.
- Updated WooCommerce template files for v3.5.x.
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
- Several new options and hundreds of CSS improvements.

Version 5.1.0 - May 26th, 2018

 - New GDPR Guide in documentation.
 - New Self-Hosted Google Fonts plugin.
 - New Consent Popup for Mailchimp plugin for subscribe widgets.
 - Added: Compatibility for WP v4.9.6 Privacy page.
 - Added: Consent for comment forms with WordPress v4.9.6.
 - Added: WooCommerce 3.4 compatibility. 
 - Added: Shortcode support to header ads.
 - Improved: Pinterest sharing now uses post title for description.
 - Improved: No IP logging for "Likes" anymore.
 - Improved: Comment form on mobile devices.
 - Fixed: Load More on Classic listings.
 - Fixed: Instagram followers counters.
 - Fixed: Author box social icons in profile edit.
 - WPBakery Page Builder updated to latest version.

Version 5.0.1 - March 8th, 2018

 - Improved: WooCommerce v3.3.1 mobile layout.
 - Improved: Text widget style for lists & headings.
 - Fixed: Post format icon alignment on latest VC.

Version 5.0.0 - February 4, 2018

- New Fashion demo with extra chic look and feel.
- New Fitness demo featuring a sleek and smart look.
- New Mom / Parenting demo - a vibrant style for moms.
- Feature: Beautiful Fashion slider with modern animations.
- Feature: Stylish Large post style: Half Overlay.
- Feature: Enable/disable VC page title. 
- Feature: Footer copyright shortcodes supports.
- Feature: WooCommerce v3.3 compatibility and fixes.
- Feature: Compatibility with upcoming Autoptimize version.
- Feature: More options to show/hide meta in posts widget.
- Improved: Posts Carousel design with few new settings.
- Improved: Mobile spacing of header/slider for several styles.
- Improved: Smarter Next/Previous to appear at right time.
- Improved: Design of List Style 2 on larger smartphones.
- Improved: VC responsive column control enabled.
- Fixed: List post meta incorrectly using global settings. 
- Fixed: Sticky header issues on some devices.
- Fixed: Load More for list block when masonry is active.
- 50+ design and 8+ performance improvements.
- WPBakery Page Builder updated to latest version.

Version 4.0.3 - December 11, 2017

- Fixed: Typography customization issues on WordPress 4.9.1+.
- Improved: Lazyload mechanism for slower networks. 

Version 4.0.2 - November 17, 2017

- WordPress 4.9 compatibility improved.
- Improved: WooCommerce affiliate products button.
- Improved: Autoptimize performance when activated.
- Improved: Updates for integrated plugins.
- Fixed: Parallax issues on some iOS devices.
- Fixed: Load More for masonry posts.
- Fixed: TGMPA warning on plugin updates.
- Notice for Endurance Cache plugin.
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.

Version 4.0.0 - July 20, 2017

- New Bold Blog Demo & Skin.
- Feature: Bold Slider with smooth Parallax effect.
- Feature: New Header Layout - Simple Modern Header.
- Feature: New Footer Layout - Bold Footer.
- Feature: Creative Large Post Style with Parallax.
- Feature: Performance - Custom Optimized Lazyload images.
- Feature: Creative "Next/Previous" navigation for article/Previous.
- Feature: Pinterest on mouse over to images with options.
- Feature: Floating/sticky sharing buttons on post pages.
- Feature: Posts Slider widget for the sidebar.
- Feature: Latest Tweets widget for footer & sidebar.
- Feature: Loading Speed optimizations & Autoptimize compatibility.
- Feature: Sliders Parallax effect option.
- Feature: A full-width gallery slider for post format Gallery.
- Feature: Alternate style for popular posts Carousel at Home.
- Added: Post Format icons in listings: Video, Gallery.
- Added: Option to generate further images for loading speed.
- Added: Configure related images number.
- Added: 3 Column and 2 Column Related Posts.
- Added: Circular image option for about widget.
- Added: Limit slider to show posts by specific IDs.
- Added: Slide/Fade animation option for large sliders.
- Added: Speed optimization guide in documentation.
- Improved: Subscribe widget for the footer area.
- Improved: Comments on mobile.
- Improved: TypeKit loader async for performance.
- Improved: Masonry "Load More" for better aesthetics.
- Improved: Demos on HTTPS now for imports on HTTPs sites.
- Improved: Example Child Theme updated for efficiency.
- Fixed: Jetpack compatibility for social sharing.
- CSS Tweaks and improvements in over 60 areas.

Version 3.0.1 - April 13, 2017

- Added: WooCommerce 3.0 Support.
- Added: Image zoom on product pages.
- Added: Slider for images on product pages.
- Updated Visual Composer to latest version.

Version 3.0 - March 24, 2017

 - NEW SKIN & DEMO: Magazine.
 - Feature: Visual Composer support with blocks for Magazine.
 - Feature: New Grid Slider.
 - Feature: New Header Style 8 - Compact Header.
 - Feature: New Footer Layout - Classic Magazine.
 - Feature: New Post Style - Magazine. 
 - Feature: 3 new homepage blocks.
 - Feature: Load More AJAX pagination on home blocks.
 - Feature: Numbered AJAX pagiantion on home blocks.
 - Feature: New Social Media with Counters widget.
 - Feature: Large posts style for posts widget.
 - Added: Smart Sticky for topbar/nav - sticky only when scrolling up.
 - Added: Post Meta Style C.
 - Improved: Widgets in all dark footers.
 - Improved: Performance - customizations are better cached now.
 - Fixed few minor CSS issues.

Version 2.2.2 - November 22, 2016

- Feature: Added WPML multi-lingual compatibility. 
- Feature: Secondary topbar navigation support in Header Style 5.
- Fixed: Large slider not affected by font change in some skins.
- Fixed: Footer social icons for stylish alt.
- Fixed: Text widget color in dark footer on skins.
- Fixed: Added two missing translation strings.
- Improved: Social Icon on Header Style 7.
- Improved: Post cover layout on mobile devices.

Version 2.2.1 - October 9, 2016

- Added: Grid posts title font settings.
- Added: Category descriptions support.
- Fixed: Post editor fonts and styling for skins.
- Fixed: Ad widget code stripping for non-admins.

Version 2.2 - October 2, 2016

- NEW SKIN & DEMO Beautiful Travel Skin & Demo.
- FEATURE: New Stylish Alt Footer Style.
- FEATURE: New Header Style 7 with Parallax. 
- FEATURE: A new stylish Carousel Slider.
- FEATURE: Grid meta style can be different from global.
- FEATURE: Limit by tag on posts widget.
- Improved: More than 3 widgets in footer properly spaced.
- Improved: Category widget hierarchy display design.
- Fixed: Most liked sorting for posts widget in some environments.
- Fixed: Rovella slider empty slide with more than 6 posts. 
- Fixed: Show category setting in posts widget for non-alt style.

Version 2.1 - September 10, 2016

- NEW SKIN & DEMO - Rovella
- FEATURE: Post "List Style 2" - a new listing style.
- FEATURE: Header Style 6.
- FEATURE: Stylish Dark Footer Style.
- FEATURE: Alternate Posts Widget style.
- FEATURE: A new slider named Grid Slider.
- FEATURE: Options to show/hide elements in post footer.
- FEATURE: "Home Page" page template for when using static home.
- Added: Rovella in demo importer.
- Added: Several new color options.
- Fixed: Typography settings not affecting some parts of skins.
- Fixed: Custom CSS not reflecting properly in live preview when using custom fonts.
- Fixed: Comment count setting for meta style 2.

Version 2.0 - August 21, 2016

* FEATURE: Lifestyle (nickname Miranda) Demo.
* FEATURE: Gorgeous Full-width slider.
* FEATURE: A new Footer layout option.
* FEATURE: Header Style 5 with posts ticker & social.
* FEATURE: Alternate grid posts style.
* FEATURE: Alternate style for large posts.
* FEATURE: Masonry feature for grid listings.
* FEATURE: Alternate meta style for listings.
* FEATURE: Numbered Pagination style option.
* FEATURE: Lifestyle skin.
* Updated: Instagram icon with latest FontAwesome.
* Fixed: Nested comments.

Version 1.1 - August 8, 2016

* FEATURE: Added an Easy Demo Importer.
* Updated documentation on Mega Menu.
* Fixed a vague checkbox for menus.



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