Meilleures ventes WordPress

Voix – Thèmes WordPress pour les actualités et les magazines

* Fixed: Minor styling issues

= 2.3 =

* Added: Support for Co Authors Plus WordPress Plugin
* Added: Option to filter posts by one or more authors (Modules Template)
* Added: Option to exclude specific posts by IDs (Modules Template)
* Added: Option for infinite scroll on single post page (Theme Options -> Single Post)
* Added: Option to exclude current post from other posts in widget (Voice Posts Widget)
* Improved: Responsive navigation (if top bar menu and social menu is enabled, it will be also added to responsive navigation)
* Improved: Couple of performance optimization tweaks in back-end
* Fixed: Post formats on single post template duplicated content when using cover layout
* Fixed: Filtering by tags not working in modules when more then one tag is specified
= 2.2.1 =

* Fixed: Modified date meta (added in 2.2) not displaying properly if "time ago" option is set to off
= 2.2 =

* Added: Option to display "Modified date" in meta data for each post layout (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)
* Added: Option to order posts by "Modified date" in Modules and Featured Area
* Added: WhatsApp share button option (Theme Options -> Single Post, Theme Options -> Page )
* Added: Autoplay/rotate option for Voice Posts Widget (slider style)
* Improved: Reading time and text excerpt functionality now works fine for languages with special characters (i.e. Russian, Hebrew, Turkish…)
* Fixed: Apply category color in main menu when category is "active" 
* Fixed: Posts per page option not working for each category separately if global "posts per page" option for categories is set to "inherit" 
* Fixed: Exclude by tag option not working in modules
* Fixed: Minor styling issues in responsive and rtl mode
= 2.1 =
* Added: Two new demo examples (Theme Options -> Demo Importer)
* Added: Option for mobile retina logo (Theme Options -> Header )
* Added: "Do not display title publicly" option for modules so you can see the title in admin but hide it on the front-end
* Added: "Custom CSS class" option field for modules with which you get a possibility to apply custom styling to some modules using CSS
* Added: Possibility to add telephone number to social menu using "tel:+xxxxxxxx" 
* Added: More social icons for social menu ( updated FontAwesome icons library)
* Fixed: Sticky sidebar conflicts
* Fixed: Minor IE issues
* Fixed: Minor styling issues in responsive and rtl mode
* Added: Option to sort posts in ascending or descending order in modules (Modules Template)
* Added: Option to choose whether to include or exclude posts from selected categories (Modules Template)
* Added: Option to choose whether to include or exclude posts from selected tags (Modules Template)
* Added: Option to enable "multibyte" support and calculate reading time properly for some specific languages (Theme Options -> Misc.)
* Fixed: Support for WPML search functionality
* Fixed: Minor styling conflict with WP Review plugin latest version
* Fixed: Minor styling issues in various browsers, responsive and rtl mode
= 2.0.1 =
* Fixed: Problem with editing category layouts in WP 4.5
= 2.0 =
* Added: Performance (minification) options to speed up your website easily ( Theme Options -> Performance )
* Added: Ads/banner slots to display ads on various places (Theme Options -> Ads)
* Added: Support for post reviews system using WP Review WordPress Plugin (stars, points and percentage review type). You can also order posts in modules by review score!
* Improved: Sticky sidebar functionality
* Fixed: Minor styling issues in various browsers, RTL and responsive mode
= 1.6 =

* Added: New post layout - Layout H (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)
* Added: Option to slide posts in Mega Menu (Theme Options -> Header)
* Added: Option to display subcategories in Mega Menu (Theme Options -> Header)
* Added: Option to on/off zoom effect on featured images (Theme Options -> Miscellaneous)
* Added: Option to display category link in Voice Posts Widget
* Added: Various options to customize authors list template (Authors Page Template)
* Added: Option to enable multibyte post excerpts, i.e for Janapese characters (Theme Options -> Miscellaneous)
* Improved: Minor styling issues in various browsers and responsive mode
= 1.5.2 =

* Fixed: Voice widgets throwing notices in WordPress 4.3 if WP_DEBUG mode is enabled
= 1.5.1 =

* Fixed: Wrong author name and link in modules and archive pages (appeared in 1.5)
* Fixed: Featured image caption not being displayed on single posts with cover layout
= 1.5 =

* Added: New layout with big featured image (cover) for single posts (Theme Options -> Single Post)
* Added: Option to choose content instead of excerpt for Layout A (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)
* Added: Option to add "read more" button for Layout A and C (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)
* Added: Option to filter posts by tag (Voice Posts Widget)
* Fixed: Minor styling issues
= 1.4 =

* Added: Option to choose sidebars for WooCommerce pages (Theme Options -> WooCommerce)
* Added: Option to choose sidebars for bbPress pages (Theme Options -> bbPress)
* Added: Option to add link to module title
* Added: Option to choose position of comment form above/below comments (Theme Options -> Single Post)
* Added: Option to display social icons in author widget (Meks Smart Author Widget)
* Added: Option to order posts by title (Modules, Featured Area & Voice Posts Widget)
* Added: Option to select upper limit for time selection in modules
* Added: Official support for wp title (for WP version 4.1+)
* Improved: Gallery with 2 & 3 columns on full width posts/pages
* Fixed: Issue with responsive adsense in header ad area
* Fixed: Small issue with comments pagination
* Fixed: Minor styling issues

* Added: Security update - Redux options panel and TGM plugin installer (as suggested by Envato), now you are 100% safe
* Added: New demo importer for easier setup
* Improved: Infinite scroll clunky loading in some cases
* Fixed: HTML/text module not working properly when added as the last module on the page
* Fixed: Header ad not displaying in responsive mode
* Fixed: Live preview not working in some cases
* Fixed: Lots of minor bugs and styling issues which are reported by users in various browsers as well as in responsive mode
* Fixed: Bug with Voice posts widget
* Fixed: Problem with SEO by Yoast breadcrumbs generating empty space when bred crumb option is disabled

* Added: WooCommerce WordPress plugin support
* Added: bbPress WordPress plugin support
* Added: Option to filter posts by tag in modules and featured area (Modules Template)
* Added: Option "Do not duplicate" so you can exclude posts of a particular module from next modules (Modules Template)
* Added: New module type (html/text module) with which you can put any custom content between post modules (Modules Template)
* Added: Display options (on/off) for each particular post so you can override global display options for single posts
* Added: Option to upload mobile logo (Theme Options -> Header Styling)
* Added: Option to display post meta data for Layout E (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)
* Added: Option to display excerpt for Layout G (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)
* Added: Option to "autoplay" posts in featured area sliders (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)
* Added: Option to "autoplay" posts in module sliders (Modules Template)
* Added: Option to choose image overlay opacity values for featured area (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)
* Added: Option to get related posts by the same author (Theme Options -> Single Post)
* Added: Option to add share buttons on pages (Theme Options -> Page Templates)
* Added: Option to exclude specific language(s) from RTL mode (Theme Options -> General)
* Added: Option to switch off our built-in gallery and use WordPress default or some gallery plugin (Theme Options -> Misc.)
* Added: Support to pick custom post types by IDs in modules and featured area (Modules Template - in "choose manually" option)
* Added: Option to manually pick posts/pages/custom post types by IDs (Voice Posts Widget)
* Added: Option to add search in header top bar 
* Added: Support for breadcrumbs feature in Yoast WordPress SEO plugin
* Added: Option to disable our mega menu system and avoid conflicts with other menu/navigation plugins (Theme Options -> Header Styling)
* Improved: Voice Posts Widget - you are now allowed to select multiple categories
* Improved: Option to specify scroll to top button color (Theme Options -> Misc.)
* Improved: Load more and infinite scroll clunky loading on slow servers
* Improved: Allowed HTML in manually specified post excerpts (works if excerpt limit is set to "0" for particular layout)
* Improved: Allowed drop down (second level) in top bar menu
* Improved: Resolved some conflicts with "Lazy Load" plugins
* Fixed: Number of views not working properly on specific WordPress configurations
* Fixed: Infinite scroll not working properly when footer is disabled
* Fixed: Ads space area in Header Options breaking JavaScript ads in some cases, it now opens as HTML editor by default
* Fixed: Lots of minor bugs and styling issues which are reported by users in various browsers as well as in responsive mode
= 1.2.1 =

* Improved: Fixed minor bugs and styling issues which are reported by users in various browsers as well as in responsive mode

= 1.2 =

* Added: Possibility to display actual page content in Modules page template
* Added: Authors Page Template - Lists all your blog authors automatically on this page
* Added: Option to position author box above or below related post area (Theme Options -> Single Post)
* Added: Option to display caption for featured images on single posts and pages (Theme Options -> Single Post/Page)
* Added: Possibility to show pages in featured area and modules (in manual mode) 
* Added: Option to always center text vertically over the images in featured area (Theme Options -> Post Layouts -> Featured area grid slider)
* Added: Option to upload logo for retina displays
* Added: Option to apply category colors in main navigation instead of accent color (Theme Options -> Header Styling)
* Added: Option to display featured image and headline on first page of paginated posts
* Improved: CSS styling/crossbrowser/responsive tweaks for minor issues
* Fixed: Posts in modules not ordered properly for "Number of comments" option
= 1.1 =

* Added: Color option for website title if logo is not used (Theme Options -> Header Styling)
* Added: Option to automatically select posts from child categories if parent category is selected (in Modules Template)
* Added: Options to use meta data in Voice posts widget (date/time, comments, author, etc...)
* Added: Options to display post reading time in meta data list (Theme Options -> Post Layouts and Single Post)
* Added: RSS and email icons (for Social Menu)
* Added: Option to move navigation links for paginated post below content (Theme Options -> Single Post)
* Improved: Post gallery - Now images can be navigated in pop-up mode and it will aslo display image captions
* Improved: Smarter Sticky Header (better experience on devices with small screen / hide on scroll down and show on scroll up)
* Improved: CSS styling/crossbrowser/responsive tweaks for minor issues
* Improved: Sliders in RTL mode
* Fixed: Category link on/off not working on Layout G
* Fixed: Sticky sidebar option for posts and pages not working in some cases
* Fixed: Manual post pick option not working in modules in some cases
= 1.0 =

* Initial release

Crédits de fin

Nous tenons à remercier ces personnes extraordinaires pour leurs produits qui nous ont aidés à développer ce thème!


  • FitVids –
  • Magnific Popup –
  • Hauteur du jeu –
  • Bootstrap Affix –
  • Carrousel de hibou –
  • Images téléchargées –
  • Sidr –
  • HTML5 Shiv –


  • Cadre d’options Redux –
  • Activation du plugin TGM –
  • Classe de mise à jour du thème Pixelentity –
  • Hybrid Media Grabber –


Awesome Font –


Toutes les images utilisées sur le site Web de démonstration sont achetées sur ShutterStock ou téléchargées sur Unsplash et sont toutes créditées à leurs créateurs / propriétaires respectifs. Ces images ne sont pas incluses dans le package de thème.




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